In The Tales of Pipi Lu by Zheng Yuanjie, main character Pipi Lu is mischeivous, does not not enjoy learning, and is often unjustly accused by his teachers and parents. One time, he heard from a mysterious prophetic frequency that Su Lili would get burnt at school the next day, and so he prevented the student from going to school then. However, his good intentions were mistaken. Brian could sympathize with Pipi Lu, as he was once wrongly thought to be bullying a younger child.
Author Zheng Yuanjie opens readers’ eyes to a world beyond black and white, teaching them to recognise good and bad. Zheng Yuanjie’s imagination allows readers to find joy in the process of learning.
The writing also leads readers to ponder: Why can human character change so quickly? At one moment people admonish Pipi Lu for preventing a student from attending school, but at the next they are praising him for saving the homeroom teacher’s son. Human psychology can be difficult to understand, and Pipi Lu is at one point seen as dirt, but later shines. This proves the saying that, “as long as you are alive, anything is possible.” Duke Wen of Jin was once a pauper, but after nineteen years he returned to Jin state as a leader of the people. Life is full of uncertainties. Thus, Brian both feels for and sighs at Pipi Lu’s story.